понедельник, 11 ноября 2013 г.


Dear ARDF Friends,
The Ukrainian Amateur Radio League (UARL), the host Society of the 15th Youth IARU
Region 1 ARDF Championships 2014 and Vinnytsia city council are pleased to invite ARDF
teams, individual competitors, and guests from IARU to visit Ukraine and to participate in the
15th Youth IARU Region 1 ARDF Championships.
We take this opportunity to invite also radio-amateurs and fans of radio-sport to
wholeheartedly support the competitors. You will have a chance to enjoy the unique show of
the Europe's largest floating light fountain «ROSHEN», one of the top 10 beautiful and
spectacular fountains of the world.
Ukrainian Amateur Radio League (UARL)


June 12 (Thursday)
Training on 80m and 2m bands
Opening ceremony

June 13 (Friday)
First competition (2m band)
Awarding ceremony
Excursion (Laser show on floating fountain «ROSHEN»)

June 14 (Saturday)
Sprint competition
Awarding ceremony

Tram excursion
June 15 (Sunday)
Second competition (80m band)
Awarding ceremony
Closing ceremony and FOX-PARTY in night club

June 16 (Monday)